Saturday, May 21, 2011

Into the Depths of Paris

First off; Iù, typing on q French keyboqrd: This is ,uch hqrder thqn it ,ight see,: The letters qre ,essed up: In fqct; qll the chqrqcters qre ,essed up::: Even &;é qnd ":
Translated from French keyboard speak: First off, I'm typing on a French keyboard. This is much harder than it might seem. The letters are messed up. In fact, all the characters are messed up... Even 1,2 and 3.

That being said.... I have uploaded some pictures and will tell the stories in my next install,ent.
Turn the frustration to 11.

1 comment:

  1. You can change the format of the keyboard to american qwerty. It's not that hard, you just need to find the setting - I assume it's under keyboard? (at least on a windows machine.)
